BS ISO IEC 20926:2009 pdf free download

BS ISO IEC 20926:2009 pdf free download

BS ISO IEC 20926:2009 pdf free download Software and systems engineering — Software measurement — IFPUG functional size measurement method 2009
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the set of definitions, rules and steps for applying the IFPUG functionalsize measurement (FSM) method.
This International Standard is conformant with all mandatory provisions of lSO/IEC 14143-1:2007.
This International Standard can be applied to all functional domains.
NOTE IFPUG continues to publish white papers providing guidelines for use in evolving environments and domains.This International Standard is fully convertible to prior editions of lFPUG sizing methods.
IFPUG function point analysts have identified different delivery rates (hours to deliver a function point) relatedto building applications in different functional domains calibrated for varying project sizes and softwarecomplexities.
This International Standard can be applied by anyone requiring a measurement of functional size. Personsexperienced with the method will find this International Standard to be a useful reference.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For datedreferences,only the edition cited applies. For undated references,the latest edition of the referenceddocument (including any amendments) applies.
ISOIEC14143-1:2007, Information technology—Software measurement— Functional size measurement —Part 1 : Definition of concepts
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
adaptive maintenance
modification of a software product, performed after delivery , to keep a software product usable in a changedor changing environment
NOTE Adaptive maintenance provides enhancements necessary to accommodate changes in the environment inwhich a software product must operate. These changes are those that must be made to keep pace with the changingenvironment. For example, the operating system might be upgraded and some changes may be made to accommodatethe new operating system.
cohesive collection of automated procedures and data supporting a business objective, consisting of one ormore components, modules, or subsystems
EXAMPLES Accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, procurement, shop production, assembly line control,airsearch radar, target tracking, weapons firing, flight line scheduling and passenger reservations.
application functional size
measure of the functionality that an application provides to the user, determined by the application functonpoint count
application function point count
activity of applying this International Standard to measure the functional size of an application
activity of sequencing attributes in a transactional function
associative entity type
entity type that contains attributes which further describe a many-to-many relationship between two otherentity types
attributive entity type
entity type that further describes one or more attributes of another entity type
base functional componentBFC
elementary unit of Functional User Requirements defined by and used by an FSM Method for measurementpurposes