BS 8533:2017 pdf download

BS 8533:2017 pdf download

BS 8533:2017 pdf download.Assessing and managing flood risk in development — Code of practice
1 Scope
This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance on the appropriate assessment and management of flood risk in developments.
It is intended to provide practical assistance for understanding and dealing with the flood risk associated with a proposed development.
NOTE Intended users include developers and their consultants, designers, planning authorities, water companies,land drainage authorities, internal drainage boards, and other regulatory bodies.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this British Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 annual exceedance probability [AEP])
probability of a flooding event being exceeded in any year
NOTE For example, a 1% AEP flood event has a 1% probability of being exceeded within any year: The use of AEP is preferred over other terminology, such as return period (e.g. 1 in 100 year event), which has incorrectly been associated with a regular occurrence rather than an average recurrence interval.
3.2 development
building, engineering, mining or other operations, in, on, over or under land, or the making of any material change in the use of a building or other land
3.3 flood extent
area covered by water during a flood event that is usually dry
NOTE 3 Published sources of information relating to the risk of flooding include, for example, existing assessments of the risk of flooding, e.g. strategic flood risk assessments (SFRAs), strategic flood consequence assessments (SFCAs) or site-based flood risk asssments; flood risk management strategies, plans and maps; surface water management plans (SWMP); river basin management plans (RBMP); catchment flood management plans (CFMP); shoreline management plans (SMP); estuary management plans (EMP); strategic asset management plans (SAMPS); drainage asssments; water cycle studies; water level management plans (WLMP); and coastal habitat management plans (CHAMP). NOTE 4 Regulatory authorities and stakeholder groups that can be useful sources of information include, for example, the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Environment Protection Agency or Rivers Agency of Northern Ireland; lead local flood authorities (LLFAs); local authorities; sewerage undertakers and water companies; internal drainage boards; highway authorities; the British Geological Survey; infrastructure (e.g. reservoir, canal and railway) operators; and harbour authorities.
4.3 Assessing the risk of flooding to the development site and beyond
The risk of flooding associated with a proposed development should be assessed as the combination of the probability of flooding and its consequence.
The following factors should be assessed:
a) how likely, and to what extent, the site might flood and the source and nature of that flood hazard;
b) the impact that the development could have on flooding elsewhere, including residual risk; and
c) the consequence of flooding (e.g. damage to property, injury to people or loss of life).