ASME N511:2007 pdf free download.ln-Service Testing of Nuclear Air Treatment,Heating, Ventilating,and Air-Conditioning Systems.
adsorber: a device or vessel containing adsorbent.
adsorber bank or filter bank: one or more filters or adsorbers secured in a single mounting frame, or one or more side by side panels containing poured or packed air treatment media, confined within the perimeter of a duct, plenum, or vault cross section, sometimes referred to as a stage.
aerosol: a stable suspension of particles, solid or liquid, in air.
challenge: to expose a filter, adsorber, or other air treatment device to an aerosol or gas of known characteristics, under specified conditions, for the purpose of testing.
challenge aerosol: an aerosol used for in-place leak testing of installed HEPA filter systems.
NOTE: The polydispersed aerosol used for in-place leak testing of systems differs in size from the 0.3 im monodisperse DOP aerosol used for efficiency testing of individual HEPA filters by manufacturers. For potential substitutes for DOP. reference ASME AG-i, Article TA-2000.
challenge gas: a gas of known characteristics used for in- place testing of adsorbers.
HEPA filter (high-efficiencii particulate air filter): a disposable, extended media, dry type filter enclosed in a rigid casing that exhibits a minimum efficiency of 99.97% when tested with an essentially monodisperse 0.3 p.m test aerosol.
in-service test: a test to determine the operational readiness of a system or component.
pressure, niaxunum operatmg: the maximum pressure the system components will be subjected to while performing their function, including the allowable pressure during abnormal operating conditions, that will not physically damage the system or component (e.g., sudden closure of dampers or registers).
pressure, operating: the pressure that corresponds to the normal design operating mode of the system. This pressure is less than or equal to the maximum operating pressure.
pressure, structural capability: the pressure, including transients, that verifies the component or system can be safely operated without permanent distortion.
reference value: one or more test parameters that are measured, observed, or determined when the equipment or system is known to be operating acceptably within its design basis limits.
system: an assembly of components, including associated instruments and controls, required to perform the function of a nuclear air treatment, heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning system.
test boundary: the physical limits of the component, system, or device being subjected to a specified test.
test canister: a specially designed sample holder containing adsorbent for laboratory tests that can be removed from an adsorber bank, without disturbing the remainder of the adsorber, to provide representative samples for laboratory testing.
test program: a documented plan for in-service testing based upon system design specifications and functional requirements, including required tests, test frequency, detailed procedures, and acceptance criteria.