2.1.2 The arrangement of compressor and driver piping shall facilitate drainage. In addition, accessible separation and/or drainage facilities shall be provided in piping upstream of compressors or drivers at low points or other locations susceptible to collection of liquid.
(a) 2.13 In case of flammable and toxic gases, vapors should be vented to a safe location and a dosed drainage system shall be used. See section 3.4,
(a) 2.1.4 Facilities for emergency shutdown or siolation shall be provided for single compressor/muttipk unit compressor systems when (xilur or operational upset could create a serious hazard in adjacent areas. Whether such facilities should operate automatically or from a remote manual station will depend on the dangers involved. Valves for isolating each compressor and driver shall be provided.
(a) 2.1.5 Compressor accessories such sa water jackets and tubular heat exchangers shall be provided with drainage facilities to prevent freezing during idle periods.
(a) 2.1.6 Screens should be installed in compressor suction during initial startup and break-in periods for protection against damage from foreign matcrials. The screens may be removed after the piping system has been deaned Pressure drop indication is recommended.
(a) 2.1.7 Reciprocating compressor cylinders handling saturated vapors should be furnished with discharge nozzles on the bottom or downward side to facilitate drainage when the unit is idle.
(a) 2.1.8 External surfaces subiect to temperatures in excess of 175’F (80’C) with which personnel may have contact shall be guarded or insulated.
(a) 2.1.9 Protection against the effects of noise exposure shall be provided in accordance with OSHA 1910.95. Compressor manufacturers should be consulted regarding expected noise levels. Other system components such as valves, inlet piping, and separators can generate noise, and the manufacturers of these components should be consulted. Manufacturers are able to offer system components that have been specifically designed or treated to reduce their noise levels.Should a system not meet OSHA re-quirements, the affected area shall be clearly iden-tified and warning signs posted at all entrances.2.1.10 Emission limits,testing, reporting, are cov-ered in the Federal Register 40 CFR Part 60 SubpartGG.
2.1.11 All exposed moving parts shall be providedwith personnel protection guards. These guards shallbe designed and constructed so as to avoid risk ofinjury to personnel. Moving parts are defined asthose having movement that is not hand powered andwhich move during normal operation. Guards shallcomply with ASME B15.1.
Guards shall be made of solid materials, with orwithout a liner,when necessary to meet the area clas-sification (NFPA 70 and/or similar governing docu-ment).
Guards shall be securely fastened to the machinesupporting structure or to the machines themselves.Guard construction shall be such that heat buildupor concentration of corrosive materials will not ad-versely affect the parts being guarded or personnel.