ASME B18.2.7.1 M:2002 pdf free download

ASME B18.2.7.1 M:2002  pdf free download

ASME B18.2.7.1 M:2002 pdf free download.Metric 12-Spline Flange Screws.
The t swlace of the flange shall be coiscal or slightly rounded and the periphery shill be round within the specified maximum flange diameter and a tolerance of minus S perceat. The contour of edge at flange pehphay shall be optionaL provided the nurumum flange thickness is maintained at the nummum bearing circle diameter
Thc bcanng wjf shall be comual OJzO.54) deg concave from the plane formed by the bearrng cUcle diameter. The plaac Rawied by the bearing cde shall be perpendicular to the axis of the shank, over a length under the head equal to the nominal screw diameter D. within the circular runout specified in Table 2. The measurement of bearing fax runout shall be made at the actual bcaiing circle; Le, at the line of highest points on any radial line e.g. by use of a saight edge anvil. The datum shall be as die to the head as practicable but within O.SD from the head, and shill be either wholly plain body or wholly the thread pitch diameter. not including the dweal runcut or the underhand flhlet
The fillet configurations at the junction of the head and shank shall be either Style A or Style B (Table 3), at the option of the manufacturer, unless the fillet style is specified by the purchaser.
The fillet shall be a mouth and continuous curve [airing smoothly into the unda’head bearing surface and the thank within the Limits specified in Table 3.
The diameter ci the body on screws which are not threaded full length shall be within the limits specified for D, in Table 4. For screws threaded full length, the diameter of the unthreaded shank under the bead shall act exceed the specified maximum body diameter, D,. in Table 4, nor be than the minimum body diameter given in Table 2.
Screws of nominal lengths equal to or greaser than the shomiest nominal lengths specified in Table 5.