ASME B18.2.5M:2009 pdf free download

ASME B18.2.5M:2009 pdf free download

ASME B18.2.5M:2009 pdf free download.Metric 12-Point Flange Screws.
Corners of the 12 points shall be fully formed and reasonably uniform over the wrenching height. K,, Head dnvr root radius, K4, applies to the entire length of the wrenching height, K (see Table 1).
The head shall Lw gaged using two ring gages, A and If, to demonstrate the coincidental acceptability of wrenching height. corner fill, and width acroas corners. Gage A shall be placed over the head and shall seat on the flange. Gage B shall be placed on the top of the head normal to the screw asi The two gages shall not be In contact (see Table 2).
At maximum material condition, the axis of the 12 points of the head shall be within a positional tolerance zone of the diameter specified in Table 3 with respect to the axis of the shank over a distance under the head equal to the nominal screw diameter, D. The datum shall be as close to the head as practicable, but within 0.51) from the head, and shall be either wholly pbin body or wholly the thread major diameter, not including the thread runout or the underhead fillet.
The top surface of the flange shall be conical or slightly rounded (convex). Radius, R2, applies both at the corners and at the flats of the 12 points. The contour of edge at flange peripher between tlw maximum flange diameter, 13,. maximum, and the minimum bearing circle diameter. 13,. minimum, shall Lw optional provided that the minimum flange edge thickness, C minimum. is maintained at the minimum bearing circle diameter, 13,. minimum,
The plane formed by the bearing circle shall be perpendicubr to the axis of the shank, over a length under the head equal to the nominal screw diameter, 13. within the circular runout as specified in Table 3. The measurement of bearing face runout shall be made at the actual bearing circle (i.e., at the line of highest points on any radial line, e.g., by use of straight edge anvil). The datum shall be as close to the head as practical, hut within 0.51) from the head, and shall he either wholly plain body or wholly thread major diameter, not including the thread runout or the underhead fillet.
The fillet configuration at the junction of the head and shank shall conform to either Type F, as shown in Table 4.