ASME B18.12:2020 pdf free download.Glossary of Terms for Mechanical Fasteners.
2.9.9 Lot Number
lot number: a unique designator assigned by a fastener manufacturer to a lot that identities the number of pieces. processing and forming operations, raw material, heat number, and plant and date of manufacture.
2.910 Major Characteristic
major characteristic: one that materially affects the usability of the fastener for Its intended application.
2.9.U Major Defect
major defect: a defect that could produce a failure or materially reduce or eliminate the usability of the fastener for its intended applicadon.
2.9.12 Minor Characteristic
minor characteristic: one that does not materially affect the usability of the fastener for its intended application.
2.9.13 Minor Defect
minor defect one that does not materially reduce the usability of the fastener
2.9.14 QuaLity
quality: the suitability of a fastener for its intended application as established by the accuracy of manufacture within specified tolerances, limits, and other requirements.
2.9.15 QuaLity Assurance
quality assurance: the selection and application of an inspection plan to establish the acceptability of a lot of fasteners.
2.9.16 Source
wurce: the manufacturer or private label distributor of a fastener.
2.9.17 Third Party Accreditation
third party accreditation: certification of a quality system by a third party using independent audits under the provisions of a fastener accreditation plan published by a consensus standards organization.
2.9.18 Zero Acceptance
zero acceptance: a linding of zero defects within a statistically valid sample that has been inspected [or a given lot.
2.10 Packaging
2.10.1 BLister Pack
blister pack: a preformed hard plastic shell configured to contain hardware items fixed to a backing card.