ASME B16.10:2017 pdf free download.Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves.
2.1.3 Reduced Poil Valves
(a) Reduced port, gate. and ball valves conforming to API 6D are designated fur size by two numbers, 11w first being the NT’S on the valve ends, the second being the NT’S of the port (seats, moving parts. etc.); e.g.. Ni’s 6 X 4 designates a valve of end size PS 6 with a port to match NI’S 4. These v.Ives shall have Iace-to-f.we or end-to-end dimensions corresponding to valves having the same size end connections; i.e., a NI’S 6 x 4 valve shall have the face-to-face or end-to-end dimensions of a NI’S 6 valve.
(6) Reduced port, pressure seal bonnet, gate, globe, and check valves are designated for size by three numbers. thy first and last being the NI’S of the valve ends, the second being the Ni’S of the port; e.g., NPS 6 x 4 x 6 designates a valve having ends matching NI’S 6 with a port to match NI’S 4. Likewise, NI’S 6 x 4 x 4 would designate a valve having one end matching NT’S 6, the other matching NI’S 4. and the port matching NI’S 4. These valves shall have face-to-face or end-to-end dimensions corresponding to valves having the same portsize;i.e.,eitheraNPSbx4x6oraNPS6x4x4 valve shall have the face-to-face or end-to-end dimc’nskins of a NT’S 4 valve.
2.2 Pressure Rating Designations
Class, followed by a dimensionless number, is the standardized designation for pressure temperature- ratings used for valves, The numerical designations in use are as follows:
(a) for cast iwn: 25, 125, 250
(b) for ductile iron: 150. 300
(c) for steel:’ 150, 300, ()0, 900, 1500, 2500
2.3 FLanged Valve Dimensions
2.3.1 Face-to-Face. The face-to-face dimension for flanged valves is the distance between the extreme ends which are the gasket contact surfaces (see Fig. I). Face- to—face applies to flanged valves having the following nominal flange facing identifiers:
(a) flat
(b) 2 mm (0.06 in.) raised
(c) 7 mm (0.25 in.) raised
(d) large or small male2
(e) large or small tongue2
2.3.2 InstaLled Face-to-Face. The installed face-to- face dimension of certain butterfly vak’es [see Table 8 (Table 1-8), Note (6)j may include allowances for gasket or resilient-lacing compn.-saion. Refer to MSS SP-67 for definitive illustrations.
2.3.3 End-to-End. For those flanged valves where the gasket contact surfaces are not located at 11w extreme (Tables 1-I through 1.6) in calculating face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions of flanged valves having standard facings other than those described in para. 3.1.
3.3 Ring joint Facings
The X dinwnsion given in Table 10 (Table 1-10), when added to the face-to-face dimension of a valve having raised face flanges in Tables I through 6 (Tables I-I through 1-6), establishes the end-to-end dimension for the valve having flanges with ring joint facings.
4.1 Buttwetding End Valves
Tables I through 6 (Tables I-I through 1-6) include end-to-end dimensions for valves having huttwelding ends. In many cases, the dimensions are different from those of face-to-face dinwnsions of flanged valves, as evidenced by the differences between dimensions A and B of the tables.
Also see para. 2.4.