AS/NZS ISO 14021:2000 pdf – Environmental labels and declarations—Self-declared environmental claims

AS/NZS ISO 14021:2000 pdf – Environmental labels and declarations—Self-declared environmental claims

AS/NZS ISO 14021:2000 pdf – Environmental labels and declarations—Self-declared environmental claims.
5.1 General
The requirements set out in clause 5 shall apply to any seIfdectared environmental claim made by a claimant, whether it is one of the selected claims referred to in clause 7 or any other environmental claim.
5.2 RelatIonship to Iso 14020
In addition to the requirements of this International Standard, the principles set out in 15014020 shall apply. Where this International Standard provides more specific requirements than ISO 14020, such specific requrements shall be followed.
53 Vague or non-specific claims
An environmental claim that is vague or non-specific or which broacly implies that a product is environmentally beneficial or environmentally benign shall not be used. Therefore, environmental claims such as environmentaly safe. environmentally fnendly. earth friendly, anon-polluting”, green. nature’s ffiend and ozone fflendiy shall not be used.
NOTE This list 5 illustrative and not exhaustive.
5.4 Claims of W freW
An environmental claim of . free shall only be made when the level of the speclhled substance is no more than that which would be Sound as an acknowledged trace contaminant or background level.
NOTE Allentian is drawn to the requirements of 57 k) and 5.7 p).
5.5 Claims of sustainability
The concepts involved in sustairiability are highly complex and still under study. At this time there are no definitive methods for measuring sustainability or confirming its accomplishment. Therefore, no dawn of achieving sustainability shall be made.
5.6 Use of explanatory statements
Self-declared envwonrnental claims shall be accompanied by an explanatory statement if the claim alone is likely to result ii misunderstanding. An environmental claim shall only be made without an explanatory statement if it is valid in all foreseeable circumstances with no qualifications.
5.7 Specific requirements
Self-declared environmental claims and any explanatory statements are subject to all requirements in 5,7. Such claims. mcitiding any explanatory statement
a) shall be accurate and not misleading;
b) shall be substantiated and verified:
c) shall be relevant to that particular product, and used only in an propriate context or setting;
d) shall be presented in a manner that clearly indicates whether the claim applies to the complete product, or only to a product component or packaging, or to an element of a service:
e) shall be specific as to the environmental aspect or environmental improvement which is claimed;
f)shall not be restated using different terminology to imply multiple benefits for a single environmental change;g)shall be unlikely to result in misinterpretation;
h) shall be true not only in relation to the final product but also shall take into consideration all relevant aspects of
the product life cycle in order to identify the potential for one impact to be increased in the process of decreasinganother;
NOTE This does not necessarily mean that a life cycle assessment should be undertaken.
i) shall be presented in a manner which does not imply that the product is endorsed or certified by an independent third-party organization when it is not;
shall not, either directly or by implication,suggest an environmental improvement which does not exist, nor shall it exaggerate the environmental aspect of the product to which the claim relates;
k)shall not be made if, despite the claim being literally true, it is likely to be misinterpreted by purchasers or is misleading through the omission of relevant facts;
l)shall only relate to an environmental aspect that either exists or is likely to be realized, during the life of the product.