AS/NZS 60265.1:2001 pdf – High-voltage switches Part 1: Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and less than 52 kV.
4.111 Rated motor breaking current for special purpose switches (17)
The rated motor breaking current is the maximum steady-state current of a motor the switch
shall be capable of opening at its rated voltage. Refer to IEC 61233.
Unless otherwise specified, the breaking current for the condition of a stalled motor is eight times the rated normal current of the motor.
4.112 Rated short-cIrcuit making current (Imp)
The rated short-circuit making current is the maximum peak prospective current that the
switch shall be capable of making at its rated voltage.
4.113 Rated breaking and making currents for a general purpose switch
A general purpose switch shall have specific ratings for each switching duty as follows:
— rated mainly active load-breaking current equal to the rated normal current;
— rated no-load transformer breaking current equal to 1% of the rated normal current:
— rated distribution line loop-breaking current equal to the rated normal current;
— rated cable-charging breaking current as shown in table 1;
— rated line-charging breaking current as shown in table 1:
— rated short-circuit making current equal to the rated peak withstand current. The switch shall have a capability of closing successfully two or more times at the rated making current.
Switches intended for use in isolated neutral systems or in systems earthed by a high impedance shall have a rated earth fault breaking current and a rated cable and line charging breaking current under earth fault conditions.
The standard values of ratings should be selected from the RIO series specified in
IEC 60059.
If an earthing switch, forming an integral Part of a switch, has a rated short-circuit making current, this rated current shall be equal to the rated peak withstand current of the switch, unless otherwise agreed to between the manufacturer and user.
NOTE — The RIO series comprises the number 1 – 1.25 – 1,6 – 2 – 2.5 – 3,15 – 4 – 5 – 6,3 – 8 and their products of 1O,
4.114 RatIngs for limited purpose switches
A limited purpose switch shall have a rated normal current, a rated short-time withstand current, and one or more, but not all, switching capabilities of a general purpose switch. If other ratings are specified, values from the RiO series should be selected.
4.115 Ratings for special purpose switches
A special purpose switch shall have a rated normal current, a rated short-time withstand current, a rated short-circuit making current and may have one or more switching capabilities of a general purpose switch.
Ratings and capabilities shall be assigned for the specific special service application for which it is applied. The rated values should be selected from the RIO series. One or more of the following ratings and capabilities may be assigned:
— parallel power transformer breaking capacity;
— single capacitor bank breaking capacity.