AS/NZS 3010:2005 pdf – Electrical installations—Generating sets.
AS/NZS 3010 sets out the minimum safety requirements related to the use of generating sets for the supply of electricity at voltages normally exceeding 50 V a.c. or 120 V d.c.
The Standard applies to electricity generating sets that are driven by internal combustion engines, and which are used for the supply of electrical installations in buildings or items of electrical equipment.
This Standard does not—
(a) set out performance and constructional requirements for generating sets: or
(b) specifically apply to specialized automatic sources of supply. e.g. no-break systems or generating sets operated by Electricity Generating entities or Electricity Distributors: or
(c) apply to uninterruptible power supplies or
(d) apply to other generation sstems; such as:
(i) Inverters.
(ii) Photovoltaic arrays.
(iii) Water or wind driven.
1 While not intended to be applied to other than generating sets driven by internal combustion engines, the electrical principles could be applied to generating sets with other types of energy sources.
2 Requirements for the performance and construction of transportable generating sets up to
25 kW are given in AS 2790.
3 Requirements for the design. installation and operation of emergency power supplies in hospitals are given in ASNZS 3009.
4 Requirements for the design, installation and operation of uninterruptible power supplies are given in the AS 62040 series of Standards.
5 Attention is drawn to the fact that some Regulatory Authorities have requirements for limitation of noise levels and pollution emissions.
In addition to complying with this Standard, the generating set installation may be required to comply with requirements of Electricity Distributors and other relevant Regulatory Authorities. It is, therefore. recommended that these Authorities be consulted prior to the installation of equipment.
Section 2 outlines general requirements for the installation of generating sets. Sections 3 and 4 introduce additional requirements for permanently connected and plug and socket-out let connected generating sets respectively.
Switches,circuit-breakers,fuses,contactors,reclosers and other switchgear shall beselected with appropriate regard to the rated values of voltage, service duty and continuousand instantaneous current of the circuits on which they are installed.
All protective devices shall be capable of safely interrupting the prospective short-circuitcurrent at the point where the devices are installed.
All switchgear used to break load current shall be marked with the rated breaking andmaking current capacity of the device. Switches that are not rated to interrupt the full-loadcurrent of the circuit shall be interlocked with load-breaking devices to prevent the possibility of the switches being opened under load.