UL 1998:2018 free download

UL 1998:2018 free download

UL 1998:2018 free download Software in Programmable Components
1 Scope
1.1 These requirements apply to non-networked embedded software residing in programmablecomponents performing safety-related functions whose failure is capable of resulting in a risk of fire,electric shock,or injury to persons.
1.2 This is a reference standard in which the requirements are to be applied when specifically referencedby other standards or product safety requirements.
1.3 These requirements address the risks unique to product hardware controlled by software inprogrammable components.
1.4 These requirements are intended to supplement applicable product or component standards andrequirements,and are not intended to serve as the sole basis for investigating the risk of fire,electricshock, or injury to persons.
1.5 These requirements are intended to address risks that occur in the software or in the process usedto develop and maintain the software,such as the following:
a) Requirements conversion faults that cause differences between the specification for theprogrammable component and the software design;
b) Design faults such as incorrect software algorithms or interfaces;
c)Coding faults, including syntax,incorrect signs, endless loops, and other coding faults;
d)Timing faults that cause program execution to occur prematurely or late;
e)Microelectronic memory faults,such as memory failure, not enough memory, or memoryoverlap;
f) Induced faults caused by microelectronic hardware failure;
g) Latent, user, input/output, range,and other faults that are only detectable when a given stateoccurs; and
h) Failure of the programmable component to perform any function at all.
1.6 Product standard requirements may amend or supersede the requirements in this standard,asappropriate.
1.7 These requirements are not intended to address cybersecurity.Risks associated with unauthorizedaccess or attack through a network shall be addressed in the product standard or other referencedstandard such as the Standard for Software Cybersecurity for Network-Connectable Products, Part 1:General Requirements, UL 2900-1.
2 Definitions of Terms Used
2.1 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions apply.
2.2 APPLICATION-SPECIFIC INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (ASIC) – An electronic device comprised ofmany transistors and other semiconductor components which integrate standard cells and arrays from alibrary into one piece of silicon intended for a particular use.
2.3 BUILT-IN TEST – A design method that allows a product to test itself by adding logic for testsignal generation and analysis of test results.
2.4 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT(CPU)- The unit of a computing and controlling system thatincludes the circuits controlling the interpretation of instructions and their execution.
2.5 CRITICAL SECTION – A segment of the software that is intended to perform the functions thataddress or control risks.
2.6 DATA- A representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a manner suitable for storage,communication,interpretation, or processing.