IEC 60652:2002 pdf free download Loading tests on overhead line structures
1 scope
This International Standard codifies the methods of testing supports for overhead lines.
lt is applicable to the testing of supports and structures of overhead lines for voltages above45 kV; it can also serve as reference to the testing of lower voltage supports.
There is no restriction on the type of material used in the fabrication of the supports which mayinclude, but not be limited to,metallic alloys,concrete, timber,laminated wood and compositematerials. lf required by the client,this standard may also be applied to the testing oftelecommunication supports,railway/tramway overhead electrification supports,electricalsubstation gantries,street lighting columns,wind turbine towers, ski-lift supports,etc.
Tests on reduced scale models of supports are not covered by this standard.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.Fordated references, only the edition cited applies.For undated references, the latest edition ofthe referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60050(466):1990,International ElectrotechnicalVocabulary (IEV) – Chapter 466:overhead lines
ISO/IEC 17025:1999,General requirements for the competence of testing and calibrationlaboratories
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. The definitionslisted below supplement those given in lEC 60050(466).
organization which contracts with the testing station and provides the test specification
design load
load for which the support has been designed
failure load
point at which the support cannot carry any additional load
NOTE It is also known as the limit state failure load and is determined during a destruction test on the support.
test report
document summarizing all the relevant aspects of the tests
4 Categories of tests
With respect to the purpose of the test, the level of instrumentation and the method of execution, this standard refers to two categories of tests:
a) design tests;
b) sample tests.
4.1 Design tests
Design tests are normally carried out on prototype supports, with one or more of the following objectives:
a) as part of a research and/or development programme in the design of an innovative support;
b) to verify compliance of the support design with the specifications (also known as type tests);
c) to develop and/or validate a new design standard or methodology;
d) to develop and/or validate new fabrication processes.
When tests are carried out to verify design parameters, the test support shall be identical as far as possible to the production supports (see clause 5, first paragraph). Tests on full scale sections or part of the support may also be undertaken. Design tests shall be carried out to at least the design load or to failure, especially when testing according to 4.1 b) and/or 4.1 c).