IEC 60512-12-5:2006 pdf free download Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 12-5: Soldering tests – Test 12e: Resistance to soldering heat, soldering iron method
1 Scope and object
This part of lEC 60512,when required by the detail specification,is used for testingconnectors within the scope of lEC technical committee 48.They may also be used for similardevices when specified in a detail specification.
The object of this part of lEC 60512 is to detail a standard test method to assess the ability ofa connector to withstand the heating stresses produced by a soldering iron.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60068-2-20,Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests.Test T: Soldering
IEC 60512-1-1,Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 1-1:General examination – Test 1a: Visual examination
3 Preparation
3.1 Preparation of specimen
The specimen shall consist of a connector with its terminations, as given in the detailspecification.
3.2Preparation of soldering iron
A soldering iron whose working surface is at 350 °C, according to 5.6 of lEC 60068-2-20 shallbe provided, the size of this iron shall be that given in the detail specification.
4.1 Procedure
The test shall be carried out in accordance with,5.6 of lEC 60068-2-20,Method 2:Solderingiron at 350°c.
4.2 Mesures
4.2.1 Mesures initiales
Un examen visuel conforme a la CEI 60512-1-1 doit etre effectue.ll ne doit se produire aucundefaut susceptible d’affecter la validite de l’essai.
4.2.2 Mesures finales
Un examen visuel conforme a la CEI 60512-1-1 doit etre effectue avec un grossissement de10x.ll ne doit se produire aucun defaut supplementaire a ceux trouves en 4.2.1, susceptibled’affecter le fonctionnement normal du connecteur.
5 Details a specifier
Lorsque cet essai est stipule dans une specification particuliere, les renseignements suivantsdoivent etre donnés:
a) toute preparation de l’eprouvette si distincte de celle de I’Article 3;b) la taille du fer a utiliser (A ou B);
c) temps d’application si différent de (10 ± 1) s;
d) tout ecart par rapport a la méthode d’essai ci-dessus.