IEC 60393-6:2003 pdf free download

IEC 60393-6:2003 pdf free download

IEC 60393-6:2003 pdf free download Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment – Part 6: Sectional specification: Surface mount preset potentiometers
1 General
This International Standard is applicable to surface mount preset potentiometers for use inelectronic equipment.
The object of this standard is to prescribe preferred ratings and characteristics and toselect the appropriate quality assessment procedures,tests and measuring methods fromIEC 60393-1 and to give general performance requirements for this type of potentiometer.
Test severities and requirements prescribed in Detail Specifications referring to this SectionalSpecification shall be of equal or higher performance level, lower performance levels are notpermitted.
1.3Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.For dated references,only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest editionof the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60063:1963,Preferred number series for resistors and capacitorsAmendment 1 (1967)
Amendment 2(1977)
IEC 60068-1,Environmental testing.Part 1: General and guidanceIEC 60068-2-20,Environmental testing.Part 2: Tests. Test T: Soldering
IEC 60068-2-21,Environmental testing – Part 2-21:Tests – Test U: Robustness of termin-ations and integral mounting devices
lEC 60068-2-45,Environmental testing.Part 2: Tests.Test XA and guidance: lmmersion incleaning solvents
IEC 60068-2-58,Environmental testing – Part 2-58: Tests – Test Td – Test methods forsolderability,resistance to dissolution of metallization and to soldering heat of surfacemounting devices (SMD)
IEC 60393-1:1989,Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment – Part 1: Genericspecification
Amendment 1 (1992)
IEC 60410:1973,Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes
IEc QC 001002-3:1998,IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ)-Rules of procedure – Part 3: Approval procedures
1.4 lnformation to be given in a Detail specification
Detail Specifications shall be derived from the relevant Blank Detail Specification.
Detail Specifications shall not specify requirements inferior to those of the generic, sectionalor Blank Detail Specification.
When more severe requirements are included,they shall be listed in 1.8 of the DetailSpecification and indicated in the test schedules, for example by an asterisk.
NOTE The information given in 1.4.1 and 1.4.3 may, for convenience, be presented in tabular form.
The following information shall be given in each Detail Specification and the values quotedshall preferably be selected from those given in the appropriate Clause of this SectionalSpecification.
1.4.1Outline drawing and dimensions
The Detail Specification shall incorporate an illustration of the surface mount preset poten-tiometer as aid to easy recognition and for comparison of the surface mount potentiometerwith others.
Dimensions and their associated tolerances,which affect interchangeability and mounting,shall be given in the Detail Specification. All dimensions shall be stated in millimetres.
Normally the numerical values shall be given for the length, width and thickness of the body.
Where space is insufficient to show the detail dimensions required for inspection purposes,such dimensions shall appear on the drawing forming an annex to the Detail Specification.
Recommended land patterns shall be given in Detail Specification.
When the outline drawing is other than described above,the Detail Specification shall statesuch dimensional information as will adequately describe the surface mount potentiometer.
1.4.2 Mounting
The Detail Specification shall give guidance on methods of mounting for normal use.
Mounting for test and measurement purposes (when required) shall be in accordance with thefollowing Subclauses1, unless otherwise specified.