IEC 60317-19:2000 pdf free download

IEC 60317-19:2000 pdf free download

IEC 60317-19:2000 pdf free download Specifications for particular types of winding wires – Part 1 9: Solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire, overcoated with polyamide, class 1 30
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the requirements of solderable enamelled round copperwinding wire of class 130 wih a dual coating. The underlying coating is based onpolyurethane resin,which may be modified providing it retains the chemical identity of theoriginal resin and meets all specified wire requirements.The superimposed coating is basedon polyamide resin.
NOTE A modified resin is a resin that has undergone a chemical change,or contains one or more additives toenhance certain performance or application characteristics.
Class 130 is a thermal class that requires a minimum temperature index of 130 and a heatshock temperature of at least 155 °C.
The temperature in degrees Celsius corresponding to the temperature index is not necessarilythat at which it is recommended that the wire be operated and this will depend on manyfactors,including the type of equipment involved.
The range of nominal conductor diameters covered by this standard is:- Grade 1 : 0,050 mm up to and including 1,6o0 mm;
– Grade 2: 0,050 mm up to and including 2,000 mm.
The nominal conductor diameters are specified in clause 4 of lEC 60317-0-1.
Normative references
The following standard contains provisions which,through reference in this text,constituteprovisions of this International Standard.At the time of publication, the edition indicated wasvalid. All standards are subject to revision,and parties to agreements based on thisInternational Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the mostrecent edition of the standard indicated below.Members of lEC and lS0 maintain registers ofcurrently valid international standards.
IEC 60317-0-1:1990,Specifications for particular types of winding wires – Part 0: Generalrequirements – Section ‘1: Enamelled round copper wire
3Definitions and general notes on methods of test
For definitions and general notes on methods of test,see clause 3 of lEC 60317-O-1.
ln case of inconsistencies between lEC 60317-0-1 and this standard,IEC 60317-19 shallprevail.
4 Dimensions
Voir l’article 4 de la CEI 6031 7-0-1 .
5 Résistance électrique
Voir l’article 5 de la CEI 6031 7-0-1 .
6 Allongement
Voir l’article 6 de la CEI 6031 7-0-1 .
7 Effet de ressort
Voir l’article 7 de la CEI 6031 7-0-1 .
8 Souplesse et adhérence
Voir l’article 8 de la CEI 6031 7-0-1 , où le nombre K utilisé pour le calcul du nombre de tours pour l’essai de décollement doit être de 1 50 mm.
9 Choc thermique
Voir l’article 9 de la CEI 6031 7-0-1 , où la température minimale de choc thermique doit être de 1 55 °C.
1 0 Thermoplasticité
Aucun claquage ne doit se produire pendant 2 min à une température de 1 70 °C.
1 1 Résistance à l’abrasion (diamètres nominaux des conducteurs au moins égaux
à 0,250 mm et inférieurs ou égaux à 2,000 mm)
Le fil doit répondre aux prescriptions du tableau 1 .