BS IEC 61559-1:2009 pdf free download Radiation protection instrumentation in nuclear facilities — Centralized systems for continuous monitoring of radiation and/or levels of radioactivity — Part 1 : General requirements
1 scope
This part of IEC 61559 series applies to centralized systems intended for continuousmonitoring of radiation and/or levels of radioactivity installed in nuclear facilities,primarily insupport of radiological protection in the working areas. This standard specifies generalcharacteristics,general test procedures,radiation,electrical,safety,and environmentalcharacteristics and the identification certificate for the systems addressed by this standard.
More specifically, it applies to centralized data processing systems,data links,and equipmentsitting and layout. It also applies to indications displayed locally and centrally. It gives generalguidance to the specification,operation,and testing of computers for the centralizedmonitoring function.
Typically these centralized systems play an auxiliary or indirect role in the achievement ormaintenance of nuclear facility’s safety. These are classified as category C in IEC 61226since they include functions that have some safety significance.
lt does not directly apply to the design and testing of detection and measurement assemblies.These should, wherever practical, conform to relevant lEC specifications.
This standard applies to normal monitoring functions.IEC 61559-2 applies to Requirementsfor Discharge,Environmental,Accident, or Post-Accident Monitoring Functions.
For Radiation monitoring equipment for accident and post-accident conditions in nuclearpower plants see lEC 60951.
This standard does not apply to criticality alarm systems.These shall conform to IEC 60860.
2Normative references
The following referenced documents are relevant to the application of this document. Fordated references,only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition ofthe referenced document (including any amendments).
IEC 60038:2002,IEC standard voltages
IEC 60050-151:2001,International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Part 151: Electricaland magnetic devices
IEC 60050-393:2003,International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Part 393: Nuclearinstrumentation – Physical phenomena and basic concepts
IEC 60050-394:2007,International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Part 394: Nuclearinstrumentation – Instruments, systems, equipment and detectors
3Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
The general terminology concerning detection and measurement of ionizing radiation andnuclear instrumentation is given in lEC 60050-393,IEC 60050-394, and lEC 60050-151.
3.1.1Manufacturer and purchaser
designer and seller of the equipment3.1.1.2
user (operator) of the equipment
category C classification
category that denotes functions that play an auxiliary or indirect role in the achievement ormaintenance of NPP safety; it includes functions that have some safety significance, but arenot category A or B
[IEC 61226]
NOTE Category C denotes systems that have:
a) functions used to prevent or mitigate a minor radioactive release, or minor degradation of fuel, within the NPPdesign basis,
b) functions to warn personnel or to ensure its safety during or following events that involve or result in release of
radioactivity in the NPP. or risk of radiation exposure.
detector assembly (DA)
component of the installed radiation monitor that contains detector and may containassociated electronics (amplifier,discriminator,output pulse shaper), and may also includeprogrammable electronic circuits
processing assembly (PA)
assembly which converts the output signals of one or more detector assemblies into a form,generally digital,suitable for transmission down a data link to the central computer; centralcomputer, and/or which generates alarm outputs to the alarm units at present signal levels