AS/NZS 1314:2003 pdf – Prestressing anchorages

AS/NZS 1314:2003 pdf – Prestressing anchorages

AS/NZS 1314:2003 pdf – Prestressing anchorages.
Suppliers shall keep sufficient records of inspections and tests so that the quality of the supplied product can be verified.
7.1 Gripping efficiency
The gripping efficiency is the ratio of the failure load or maximum test load to the minimum specified load or tendon capacity the anchorage is designed to accommodate when tested in accordance with Appendices 13 or D.
7.2 Anchorage efficiency
The ratio of the failure load or maximum test load to the minimum specified load or tendon capacity the anchorage is designed to accommodate when tested in accordance with Appendices C or D.
8.1 General
To comply with this Standard, each type of anchorage. coupling or assembly shall be tested in accordance with this Clause. If a manufacturer produces a range of anchorages. couplings or assemblies that are geometrically similar and only differ in the number of tendons accommodated. then it may be sufficient to test only 30% of the representative sizes from the range. but not less than two sizes from the range. Where the bearing area of an anchorage and coupling differ, only that with the smaller bearing area should be tested.
A minimum of threc idcntical spCcimcns shall he used for each test of the representative sizes of anchorages. couplings or assemblies. The test specimens shall satisfy the performance criteria specified in Clauses 8.2 and 8.3, as appropriate.
If any of the three test specimens fail to satisfy the performance criteria of this Standard. three additional specimens of the same representative size shall be prepared. If five of the six specimens satisfy the performance criteria, the range of anchorages, couplings or assemblies represented by those specimens is deemed to have satisfied this Standard. Otherwise, the range of anchorages. couplings or assemblies represented by the specimens shall be rejected as not conforming to this Standard.
8.2 Tendon-anchorage asseniblies and couplings
When tested in accordance with Appendices B and I). tendon-anchorage assemblies and couplings shall satisfy the following requirements:
(a) The calculated gripping efficiency is not less than 0.95.
(b) Failure of the tendon(s) is not to be induced by the failure of anchorage compondnb.
NOTE: The mode of failure should be by the fracture of the tendon(s) away from the gripping device.
(c) The relative displacement between the anchorage components as well as between the tendon(s) and anchorage components becomes constant within the specified loading period.
Reports of tests carried out in accordance with this Standard shall be prepared for eachspecimen tested and shall include the following information:
(a)A statement that the test has been carried out in accordance with the appropriate
Appendix of this Standard.
(b)A statement that the test(s) satisfies the requirements of this Standard.
(c)ldentification and complete technical details of the anchorage assembly, coupling or
parts of the assembly tested, including the minimum specified load capacity.
(d)For tests carried out in accordance with Appendices B and D of this Standard,the
calculated gripping efficiency achieved.
(e) For tests carried out in accordance with Appendices C and D this Standard,the
calculated anchorage efficiency achieved.