AS ISO IEC 19784.2:2010 pdf free download

AS ISO IEC 19784.2:2010 pdf free download

AS ISO IEC 19784.2:2010 pdf free download Information technology—Biometric application programming interface Part 2: Biometric archive function provider interface
5.2.7 BioAFPI_ControlUnit
uint32_t ControlCode,
const BioAPI_DATA *InputData,
BioAPI_DATA *OutputData) ;
This function sends control data to the BioAPl Unit and receives status or operation data from there. The content of the ControlCode, the send (input) data, and the receive (output) data will be specified in the relatedinterface specification for this BioAPl Unit.
The function allocates a memory block large enough to contain the output data that are to be returned to theapplication, fills the memory block with the data,and sets the fields Length and Data of the OutputDatastructure to the size and address of the memory block (respectively).
The memory block returned by the BioAFPl function call shall be freed by the application using BioAFPl_Free.This function is a transparent channel to the BioAPI Unit and can be used for any purposes, which cannot berealized by standardized functions (e.g. archive maintenance, index recreation etc.).
There is no requirement that the unit ID value provided by a BSP as input to this function be the same unit IDvalue that the framework provided to the BSP in the original call to BioSPl_BSPAttach (if any), provided thatthe two unit lD values identify the same BioAPl unit (see 5.2.5).
UnitlD (input) -The ID of that BioAPl Unit previously defined by the BAFP.ControlCode (input)-The function code in the BioAPl unit to be called.
InputData (input) -Address and length of a buffer containing the data to be send to the BioAPl unitrelated to the given ControlCode.
OutputData (output) – Pointer to a BioAPl_DATA structure.On output, this shall contain the addressand length of a data buffer containing the data received from the BioAPl unit after processing thefunction indicated by the ControlCode. Ilf no memory block has been allocated by the function,theaddress shall be set to NULL and the length shall be set to zero.
Return Value
A BioAPl_RETURN value indicating success or specifying a particular error condition. The valueBioAPl_OK indicates success.All other values represent an error condition.
5.2.8 BioAFPI_Cancel
This function shall cancel the presently blocked call to the BioAPI Unit. The function shall not return until the blocking call has been cancelled.
There is no requirement that the unit ID value provided by a BSP as input to this function be the same unit ID value that the framework provided to the BSP in the original call to BioSPI_BSPAttach (if any), provided that the two unit ID values identify the same BioAPI unit (see 5.2.5).