AS 2118.3:2010 pdf – Automatic fire sprinkler systems Part 3: Deluge systems

AS 2118.3:2010 pdf – Automatic fire sprinkler systems Part 3: Deluge systems

AS 2118.3:2010 pdf – Automatic fire sprinkler systems Part 3: Deluge systems.
Deluge systems are arrangements of open sprinklers and pipework with their sater supplies controlled by quick-opening valve, which are activated by heat, smoke or flame detecting devices installed in the same area as the open sprinklers.
Deluge systems are primarily for occupancies such as those listed in Clause 2.2 where flammable liquids or highly flammable solids are to be found and where it is considered that sealed sprinkler systems would not offer a satisfactory degree of fire protection.
The following are typical of process risk occupancies where deluge systems would be a suitable form of tire protection:
(a) Aircraft hangars.
(b) Ammunition filling plants.
(c) Chemical manufacturers or processors.
(d) Explosives manufacturers.
(e) Fire%orks manufacturers.
(f) N itrocel I ulose manufacturers or processors.
(g) Paint and varnish manufacturers (solvent based).
(h) Petrochemical processing plants.
(i) Resin and turpentine manufacturers.
(j) Tar distilleries.
2.3.1 Area limitations
With the exception of aircraft hangars and fireworks or explosives manufacturing plants. any area requiring deluge sprinkler protection exceeding 300 m? in area shall he divided into equal or near equal zones not exceeding 300 m.
Buildings housing fireworks or explosives manufacturing processes are usually comparatively small and isolated. The deluge system in such occupancies shall be designed as single zone system. protecting the entire compartment.
Aircraft hangar deluge systems shall conform to the requirements set out NFPA 409.
2.3.2 Density of discharge
The minimum design density of discharge for typical occupancies shall be as shown in Table 2.3.2. The discharge from individual sprinklers in any part of each zone shall not vary more than +10% —0%.
2.4.1 Grade of supply
Water supplies to deluge systems shall he at least equivaleni to Grade 2 as specilied in
AS 2118.1 and he capable of suslaining the system at its maximum tlos requirement for
2.4.2 Flow requirements
Where deluge systems are divided into zones. water supplies shall he of sufficient capacity to simultaneously supply any three adjacent zones of protection at the pressure required to maintain the design density of discharge.
Where the pressure and flow requirements of a deluge System do not exceed those of an adjacent general systems installation (see Clause 1.4.6). the deluge system may be installed as a tail end system or may be connected directly to the sprinkler system water supply. provided the area requiring the deluge system is separated from the sprinkler-protected area b walls and floors with fire resistance level (FRL) of not less than —/60/—.
2.4.3 Buckflow prccntion
Backilow protection shall be provided in accordance with AS/NZS 3500] where a connection is to he made with a public water suppl3 system, except where the connection is for tank inflow.