SAE AS 7475C:2003 pdf – Bolts, Cobalt-Chromium-Nickel Alloy, UNS R30159, Tensile Strength 260 ksi, Procurement Specification.
3.3.4 Cold Working of Fillet Radius: After removal of oxide as In 3.3.3. the head-to-shank fillet radius of headed parts having the radius complete throughout the circumference of the part shall be cold worked sufficiently to remove all visual evidence of grinding or tool marks. Distortion due to cold working shall conform to Figure 2, unless otherwise specified on the part drawing. It shall not raise metal more than 0.002 inch above the contour at “K o depress metal more than 0.002 inch below the contour at ‘B” as shown in Figure 2; distorted areas shall not extend beyond “C” shown in Figure 2. In configurations having an undercut connected with the fillet radius, the cold working will be required only for 90° of fillet arc, starting at the point of tangency of the fillet radius and the bearing surface of the head, For shouldered bolts, having an unthreaded shank diameter larger than the thread major diameter and having an undercut connected with a fillet between the threaded shank and the shoulder of the unthreaded shank, the cold working will be required only for 90 of the fillet arc, starting at the point of tangency of the fillet radius and the shouldered surface of the unthreaded shank. The shank diameter on dose tolerance full shank bolts shall not exceed its maximum diameter limit after cold working the head-to-shank fillet radius.
3.3.5 Thread Rolling: Thread shall be formed on the finished blanks by a single cold rolling process after removal of oxide as in 3.3.3.
3.3.6 Cleaning: Parts, after finishing, shall be degreased and irnersed in one of the following solutions for the time and temperature shown:
a. One volume of nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) and 9 volumes of water for not less than 20 minutes at room temperature.
b. One volume of nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) and 4 volumes of water for 30 to 40 minutes at room temperature.
c. One volume of nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) and 4 volumes of water for 10 to 15 minutes at 140 to 160 °F. Water Rinse: Immediately after removal from the deaning solution, parts shall be thoroughly rinsed in clean water at 70 to 200 “F.
3.4 Product Marking:
Each part shall be identification marked as specified on the part drawing. The markings may be formed by forging or stamping, raised or depressed 0.010 inch maximum, with rounded root form on depressed characters.
3.5 Plating or Coating:
Where required, surfaces shall be plated or coated as specified by the part drawing. Where coating with solid film lubricants is required, the under head bearing surface, the unthreaded shank, and the threads shall be coated as specified on the part drawing; other surfaces are optional to coat, unless otherwise specified. Plating thickness shall be determined in accordance with the requirements in the applicable plating specification.