AS 4662:2003 pdf – Ceramic tiles- Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking

AS 4662:2003 pdf – Ceramic tiles- Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking

AS 4662:2003 pdf – Ceramic tiles- Definitions, classification, characteristics and marking.
3 Definitions
For the ptwposes of thés International Standard, the definitions given in ISO 1006 and the following apply.
ceramic tiles
thin slabs made from clays andor other inorganic raw materials, generally used as covenngs for floors and walls, usually shaped by extruding (A) or pressing (B) at room temperature but may be lormed by other processes (C). then dried and subsequently fIred at temperatures sufficient to develop the required properties: tiles can be glazed 101) or unglazed (tJGL) and are Incombustible and unaffected by light
vitrified covering which is Impermeable
engobed surlace
clay-based covering with a mall finish which can be permeable or impermeable
NOTE A tile with an engobed surface is regarded as an unglazed tile.
polished surface
surface of an ungiazed tile which has been given a glossy finish by mechanical polishing as the last stage of manufacture
extruded tiles
[designated as A]
tiles whose body is shaped in the plastic slate at an extruder. the column obtained being cut into li4es 01 predetermined dimension
NOTE I This International Standard ssafles extruded tiles as ‘precision’ or ‘laatural’. The dassitication is dependent upon the deferent lechnlcst characteristics as listed ii te irflvldual product standards.
NOTE 2 Tracetional terms used br extruded proceicts are •cØr tales” aM “qawry tiles”. They commonly wx*cate double-extruded and single-extruded tiles respectively. The term quarry tiles” only refers to extruded tiles with a water absorption not exceeding 6 %.
dry•pr.ssed tiles [designated as B]
tiles formed from a finely milled body mixture and shaped in moulds at high pressure
tiles made by other processes [designated as C]
tiles made by other than the normal commercial processes. i.e. extruded or dry-pressed
NOTE These tiles are not covered in this International Standard
b) mark to indicate first quahty;
C) type of tile and reference to the appropriate annex in this International Standard; d) nominal and work sizes, modular (M) or non-modular;
e) nature of the surface. i.e. glazed (GL) or unglazed (UGL).
8.2 Product literature
Product literature for tiles intended for use on floors shall state:
a) the results obtained in accordance with ISO 10545-1 7;
b) the abrasion class for glazed tiles.
NOTE See also annex M for informative symbols.
8.3 Specifications
Tiles shall be specified by designating the following:
a) the method of shaping;
b) the annex in this International Standard covering the specific class of tile; C) nominal and work sizes, modular (M) and non-modular:
d) the nature of the surface. i.e. glazed (GL) or unglazed (UGL). EXAMPLES
Precision extruded tile, ISO 13006:1998, annex A
Al M25 cmx 12.5cm (W 240mm x 115 mm x 10 mm) GL
Natural extruded tile. ISO 13006:1998, annex A
AIl5cmxl5cm (Wl5Ommxl5Ommxl2,5mm) UGL
9 Ordering
When an order is placed, items such as size, thickness. type of surface, colour, profile, abrasion class for glazed tiles and other properties shall be agreed by the parties concerned.